Usage basics ============ First off, you need a Cluster object: .. autoclass:: coolamqp.clustering.Cluster :members: You will need to initialize it with NodeDefinitions: .. autoclass:: coolamqp.objects.NodeDefinition You can send messages: .. autoclass:: coolamqp.objects.Message and receive them .. autoclass:: coolamqp.objects.ReceivedMessage :members: MessageProperties ----------------- .. autoclass:: coolamqp.objects.MessageProperties :members: .. autoclass:: coolamqp.framing.definitions.BasicContentPropertyList :members: :undoc-members: Take care, as :class:`~coolamqp.objects.MessageProperties` will hash the entire object (keys and values) and store it within non-GCable memory. This is done in order to facilitate reuse and speed/memory consumption. If you're looking forward to shipping each message with different properties, please wait until #51_ is fixed. .. _#51: